Blog, Lifestyle, Travel, Uncategorized Ski Weekend Getaway BY Ms. Vine In January, we spent a weekend with another couple at a ski resort. The resort...
Blog, Progress Update, Uncategorized February 2020 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine The month began in sunny Costa Rica. The trip was the perfect dose of Vitamin...
Blog, Progress Update, Uncategorized January 2020 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine What is with these winter months lagging? We had a full and busy month, but...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance, Uncategorized Halfway to Financial Independence BY Ms. Vine During 2019, we crossed the halfway to financial independence milestone. On one hand, this feels...
Blog, Progress Update December 2019 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine December was a strange month. I typically write these monthly updates in pieces. Once a...
Blog, Personal Finance, Progress Update, Uncategorized August 2019 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine The weeks and months fly by so quickly. Having 56 months to go before we...
Blog, Personal Finance, Progress Update June 2019 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine As of June 2019, we are 57 months from our projected early retirement. June turned...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance, Uncategorized Forget about the Joneses: On delayed gratification BY Ms. Vine The toughest part of maintaining a high savings rate is delayed gratification. Our income could...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance Happy 1st Birthday, Traveling Vines! Reflecting on a year of blogging BY Ms. Vine This month, Traveling Vines turned one year old. The first year has been pretty unremarkable...
Blog, Travel Vietnam Vacation Review BY Ms. Vine Trip recaps are one of the most difficult posts I write. That is strange for...