Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance, Progress Update An Abnormal Year: The Vines’ off-cycle annual update BY Ms. Vine Forgoing my traditional annual recap in January and saving it for the anniversary of all...
Blog, Lifestyle, Travel, Uncategorized Pandemic Moving: Our year-long relocation BY Ms. Vine Because my last several posts have been monthly progress updates to catch up from my...
Blog, Progress Update October 2020 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine October was the month I fell out of my blogging routine in earnest. Our weekends...
Blog, Travel, Uncategorized Travel Flashback: Florence and Rome BY Ms. Vine This is Part 2 of 2 in a series recounting our first trip to Europe....
Blog, Travel, Uncategorized Travel Flashback: The Vines Visit Europe for the First Time BY Ms. Vine While we remain on a travel moratorium, now is a good time to relive past...
Blog, Lifestyle, Uncategorized Perfect Day: The beach in full summer BY Ms. Vine As part of the perfect day project, I like to record whenever we have an...
Blog, Progress Update, Uncategorized May 2020 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine This month started and ended with the pandemic still affecting our daily lives. I continued...
Blog, Lifestyle, Uncategorized Is the sky falling? How we are handling a global pandemic BY Ms. Vine Our March 2020 Progress Update is the best hot take we have on the status...
Blog, Travel, Uncategorized What we did on our Florida Holiday vacation BY Ms. Vine This post completes our series reviewing our holiday trip to South Florida. With all that's...
Blog, Lifestyle, Travel, Uncategorized Ski Weekend Getaway BY Ms. Vine In January, we spent a weekend with another couple at a ski resort. The resort...