Blog, Lifestyle, Travel Writer’s Block and Focus on Travel BY Ms. Vine Lately, I’ve suffered from writer’s block. Since February 2019, I’ve done a great job of...
Blog, Travel, Uncategorized Destination Ambivalence: How we are traveling now BY Ms. Vine Our travel planning process has evolved over the years, and we imagine that will be...
Blog, Personal Finance, Uncategorized On saving the next $100,00 / How we handle market volatility BY Ms. Vine The Internet is full of articles claiming that the first **insert amount** is the hardest...
Blog, Lifestyle, Uncategorized 101 tasks in 1001 days: Progress check-in BY Ms. Vine In September of 2017, I started working on a list of 101 tasks to complete...
Progress Update September 2018 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine In September 2018, our nest egg finished at 37.55% of goal. Our goal is a...
Blog, Lifestyle, Travel Get Moving: Why Ms. Vine is a runner BY Ms. Vine This year has been a heavy running year for me. Normally, I’m about a 5...
Personal Finance, Progress Update April 2018 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine In April 2018, our nest egg finished at 33.9% of goal. Our goal is a...
Blog, Personal Finance Tips for new student loan borrowers and what it’s like to pay off the last student loan BY Ms. Vine On March 2, 2018, I made my very last student loan payment. It felt so...