Blog, Lifestyle, Travel, Uncategorized Why treating weekends like vacations has not cured our Sunday Scaries BY Ms. Vine This summer, inspired by an article on Manrepeller, we decided to treat our weekends like...
Blog, Lifestyle, Uncategorized 101 tasks in 1001 days: Progress check-in BY Ms. Vine In September of 2017, I started working on a list of 101 tasks to complete...
Blog, Lifestyle, Travel, Uncategorized Treat weekends like vacations: How to have the best summer staycation BY Ms. Vine We are in the heart of summer here in the northern hemisphere. As part of...
Blog, Lifestyle, Uncategorized A Minimalist Closet BY Ms. Vine Every so often, my closet overwhelms me. It is in disarray, doors and drawers won’t...
Blog, Book Review, Uncategorized Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier: A book review BY Ms. Vine This spring, we borrowed a couple of books from the library written by some big...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance, Uncategorized The last car we’ll ever buy (and less than an auto loan to go) BY Ms. Vine As we started to plot out a path to early retirement, we had recently purchased...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance Happy 1st Birthday, Traveling Vines! Reflecting on a year of blogging BY Ms. Vine This month, Traveling Vines turned one year old. The first year has been pretty unremarkable...
Blog, Lifestyle Rightsizers, not minimalists BY Ms. Vine It’s the season for spring cleaning! Seems like it arrived late this year, but our...
Blog, Lifestyle, Travel Get Moving: Why Ms. Vine is a runner BY Ms. Vine This year has been a heavy running year for me. Normally, I’m about a 5...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance Love the one you’re with: The power of “enough” BY Ms. Vine Much of my life has been spent chasing something. The goals I set may be...