Progress Update, Uncategorized October 2019 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine The first half of October whizzed by before we even knew what happened. We had...
Blog, Personal Finance, Uncategorized On saving the next $100,00 / How we handle market volatility BY Ms. Vine The Internet is full of articles claiming that the first **insert amount** is the hardest...
Uncategorized A real-life perfect day / The Vines see Hamilton BY Ms. Vine The title is a mischaracterization because this day felt almost perfect and our career jobs...
Blog, Lifestyle, Uncategorized 101 tasks in 1001 days: Progress check-in BY Ms. Vine In September of 2017, I started working on a list of 101 tasks to complete...
Blog, Lifestyle How to set goals: 101 tasks BY Ms. Vine I’ve mentioned this list on several previous occasions, most often in progress updates when setting...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance Love the one you’re with: The power of “enough” BY Ms. Vine Much of my life has been spent chasing something. The goals I set may be...
Blog, Personal Finance Three reasons we hired a financial planner BY Ms. Vine The words “financial advisor” are almost profanity in the FIRE community. I understand why. For...