Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance FIRE Detour? (Part 1): How relocating for a job impacted our money BY Ms. Vine This blog began as a place to share our journey towards financial independence and early...
Blog, Lifestyle Three years, 54 tasks BY Ms. Vine A little over 1001 days ago, I created this list. By my count, I completed...
Blog, Progress Update March 2021 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine During March, we continued our stay in an Airbnb. Initially, we had planned that this...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance, Progress Update An Abnormal Year: The Vines’ off-cycle annual update BY Ms. Vine Forgoing my traditional annual recap in January and saving it for the anniversary of all...
Blog, Progress Update, Uncategorized February 2021 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine We made our “big move” in February! It was a short month and jam-packed with...
Blog, Lifestyle, Travel, Uncategorized Pandemic Moving: Our year-long relocation BY Ms. Vine Because my last several posts have been monthly progress updates to catch up from my...
Blog, Lifestyle, Progress Update, Uncategorized January 2021 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine January went by in a blur. I started a new journal at the beginning of...
Blog, Lifestyle, Progress Update, Uncategorized December 2020 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine December is always such an exciting time for our finances. I usually love updating all...
Blog, Personal Finance, Progress Update, Uncategorized November 2020 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine Around the time I began to struggle to write regular posts and what would turn...
Blog, Progress Update October 2020 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine October was the month I fell out of my blogging routine in earnest. Our weekends...