Blog, Lifestyle, Travel, Uncategorized Ski Weekend Getaway BY Ms. Vine In January, we spent a weekend with another couple at a ski resort. The resort...
Blog, Cooking, Lifestyle, Personal Finance, Travel, Uncategorized How we saved $300 a day while on vacation BY Ms. Vine During our holiday vacation to Florida, we stayed at a vacation condo with a full...
Lifestyle, Personal Finance, Travel, Uncategorized Free Money! How we use credit card points BY Ms. Vine This post may contain referral or affiliate links. See our full disclosure here. We don’t...
Blog, Progress Update, Uncategorized February 2020 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine The month began in sunny Costa Rica. The trip was the perfect dose of Vitamin...
Blog, Travel, Uncategorized Rental Car Tips from our Florida Roadtrip BY Ms. Vine Our flight arrived slightly behind schedule on Friday night, around 9:30 p.m. We flew into...
Blog, Travel, Uncategorized Travel Hacking Costa Rica: How we used the Bonvoy Brilliant sign-up bonus BY Ms. Vine We have done some travel hacking in the past (namely, our hotel stay in Tokyo...
Blog, Progress Update, Uncategorized January 2020 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine What is with these winter months lagging? We had a full and busy month, but...
Blog, Travel, Uncategorized Delta vs. Spirit: Airline experience comparison BY Ms. Vine As discussed previously, we booked a hacker fare to Florida. This meant that we booked...
Blog, Personal Finance, Travel, Uncategorized Should we upgrade our timeshare? BY Ms. Vine Recently, Mr. Vine sat down and plotted out each of our “big” vacations from now...
Blog, Travel, Uncategorized Holiday Airfare to Florida for $125! BY Ms. Vine We scored an amazingly low price on our flights to Florida over the Christmas holiday....