Blog, Progress Update December 2019 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine December was a strange month. I typically write these monthly updates in pieces. Once a...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance, Progress Update, Uncategorized Year in Review: 2019 BY Ms. Vine We had a pretty great year in 2019 in many respects. The market gave us...
Progress Update, Uncategorized November 2019 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine This month was a haze of career-related stress for me. We had a lot going...
Blog, Lifestyle, Travel Writer’s Block and Focus on Travel BY Ms. Vine Lately, I’ve suffered from writer’s block. Since February 2019, I’ve done a great job of...
Blog, Cooking, Lifestyle, Uncategorized The Vines try Whole30 BY Ms. Vine We are not practicing Christians of any faith, but we decided to complete a Whole...
Blog, Personal Finance, Progress Update March 2019 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine March, like February, was another relatively uneventful month for our finances. This is good. Boring...
Blog, Lifestyle, Travel Desert Dreamscape: Vacation guide for Phoenix BY Ms. Vine It's no secret that we love the beach. Our vacations often find us close to...
Cooking, Lifestyle, Personal Finance How raw milk changed the Vines’ kitchen BY Ms. Vine This blog features a lot of food posts. Meals are the one thing I reliably...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance Celebrating Birthdays BY Ms. Vine I recently celebrated a birthday. This year was not a milestone number and the day...
Progress Update September 2018 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine In September 2018, our nest egg finished at 37.55% of goal. Our goal is a...