Blog, Progress Update, Uncategorized August 2020 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine The virus and work from home continue to permeate our daily lives. Yet again, I...
Blog, Progress Update, Uncategorized June 2020 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine Half of June slipped by before I even considered checking in for an update. This...
Blog, Lifestyle, Uncategorized Is the sky falling? How we are handling a global pandemic BY Ms. Vine Our March 2020 Progress Update is the best hot take we have on the status...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance, Progress Update, Uncategorized Year in Review: 2019 BY Ms. Vine We had a pretty great year in 2019 in many respects. The market gave us...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance, Travel, Uncategorized 20 Goals for the 2020s BY Ms. Vine I’ve never made “decade goals” before. But now that the 2010s are coming to an...
Blog, Personal Finance, Uncategorized Why we’ve decided to pay off our mortgage early BY Ms. Vine I mentioned in prior articles that we decided to pay off our mortgage early. When...
Blog, Book Review, Uncategorized Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier: A book review BY Ms. Vine This spring, we borrowed a couple of books from the library written by some big...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance Happy 1st Birthday, Traveling Vines! Reflecting on a year of blogging BY Ms. Vine This month, Traveling Vines turned one year old. The first year has been pretty unremarkable...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance Love the one you’re with: The power of “enough” BY Ms. Vine Much of my life has been spent chasing something. The goals I set may be...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance “Right-sizing” our life: How we are selectively minimalist BY Ms. Vine At some point in every journey towards financial independence or even a more responsible approach...