Blog, Travel, Uncategorized Viva Las Vegas! With cost review BY Ms. Vine The decision tree for a Las Vegas vacation can be so intimidating! The possibilities are...
Blog, Progress Update May 2019 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine May was one busy month! We had a lot going on, but through it all,...
Blog, Travel, Uncategorized An exercise in gratitude: The Vines’ improved travel strategy BY Ms. Vine This week Mr. Vine and I watched a show set in New York City (Billions...
Blog, Personal Finance, Progress Update, Uncategorized April 2019 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine It’s time for our monthly spending update and quarterly net worth update! Spoiler alert: the...
Blog, Book Review, Uncategorized Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier: A book review BY Ms. Vine This spring, we borrowed a couple of books from the library written by some big...
Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Finance, Uncategorized The last car we’ll ever buy (and less than an auto loan to go) BY Ms. Vine As we started to plot out a path to early retirement, we had recently purchased...
Blog, Book Review, Uncategorized Work Optional by Tanja Hester: A book review BY Ms. Vine The Vines, yes both of us, recently read Work Optional by Tanja Hester of Our...
Blog, Personal Finance, Progress Update March 2019 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine March, like February, was another relatively uneventful month for our finances. This is good. Boring...
Blog, Personal Finance Year in Review: 2018 BY Ms. Vine It feels self indulgent to write a recap of the year, but a lot happened...
Blog, Personal Finance, Progress Update January 2019 Progress Update BY Ms. Vine Happy new year! Only a couple of months late. This month we debuted a new...